週會表 Current Schedule

週會表 Current Schedule

Monday, November 26, 2007

探訪長青養老院 11/24/2007

這是很有意思的一天, 在感恩節的週未可以與一班公公婆婆相聚, 藉著詩歌, 遊戲和小禮物分享從神而來的愛與關懷, 最開心是能夠跟他們閒話家常. 希望大家繼續為這班長者禱告, 亦盼望我們可以將來定期的探望他們, 知道一般不是太多團體去探訪這一所養老院, 那裡的負責人都很感謝大家的熱心.


Alvin said...

Thank Joan for taking the pictures.

Joan said...

your welcome. 我都好開心同你地一齊探公公婆婆. 我都好大體會. 以前曾經覺得人到老年還要住在老人院, 覺得好慘. 但今次我體會到神的恩典. 那位名叫Joyce的婆婆, 她一生幸福快樂, 雖然現在她半身不能活動,連散步也不能, 但她仍為到她所有的而歡喜快樂. 她告訴我她信神已有很多年, 如今她已80歲. 我們也該為所有的而感恩, 而不是求缺乏的. 神的恩典夠我們用. 我們也應當為着能夠認識神,可以信靠神而歡喜快樂.

Anonymous said...

看見你們服侍得那麼開心, 我很羨慕。為你們感謝神啊! 願神大大祝福你們 :)

Alvin said...

I remember I asked a 婆婆 at the senior home if she made any friends there. She said all of her friends there passed away. It really wrenched my heart and it still does. As the manager there told us, many of the people will be spending their last days at the senior home and they will not be out again. That is why I really wish we can visit them more often and regularly. You just don't know if they will be there the next time you visit.