週會表 Current Schedule

週會表 Current Schedule

Monday, February 2, 2009

每月與你們分享 - 龜兔賽跑現實生活版

十個跑贏兔子的方法 -- 施以諾 著

( 第一招 ) 龜殼
龜殼 可以當滾輪 ! 在正常的情況下 , 一隻烏龜是跑不贏兔子的 ! 因為他 / 她被重重的龜殼給壓得跑不快也跑不遠。但 , 誰規定一定得用「跑」的呢 ? 誰說龜殼不能當滾輪呢 ? 善用上帝給您的「特質」, 把「龜殼」當作「滾輪」。許多看似不幸的事 , 往往都蘊藏著上帝的美意 , 腦筋轉個彎 , 把原本看似是「缺點」、缺陷的 , 給變成您的「特點」、「賣點」, 您必會有喜出望外的成果。


Anonymous said...

what if the track is flat?

Alvin said...

What if the track is flat? Then you can just be a happy turtle that God intended to make. Turtle is unlikely designed by God to run with a bunny in a race. If it is a slope, good, the turtle can roll down and gain some speed. But I guess 99% of the lifetime the turtle is just doing what God designed it to do: walk slowly on a flat ground. What matters is the turtle finishes the path, flat or not, which God put in its life, faithfully with contentment.