週會表 Current Schedule

週會表 Current Schedule

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

9/29/2007 Bible Study Summary

在經文中, 我們看見彼得雖然他自知時日無多, 仍苦口婆心地循循善誘要留下這些重要的話, 幫助各時代的信徒.

信徒處在這世代中, 如逆水行舟, 若非不斷追求屬靈品德上長進, 生命要結出信心、德行、知識、節制、忍耐、虔敬和愛的性情, 便很容易被今世的風俗、罪惡的習慣、人的道理、各種壞潮流, 漸漸將我們屬靈的眼光蒙蔽, 以致我們的心思、意志和觀念,也漸受其影響, 便漸漸看不見屬靈之事的美好, 慚漸效法世界的樣式.

信主的年日日增, 在教會中的資歷愈來愈「老」, 對各種道理的知識愈來愈多, 信徒以為自己在某方面的真理已十分熟識, 已經聽過, 便忽略了它, 自己可以不必再受題醒, 甚至聽到別人提及自己所熟識的真道時, 便十分傲慢地輕視別人, 以為自己所知的比別人多 , 結果必然會驕傲自大. 信徒要在真道上堅固, 彼此題醒, 不可放鬆、懈怠.

當時有異端或假傳道 , 隨自己的意思講解聖經的話, 傳錯誤的道理, 引誘信徒, 以致有些信徒對主再來之真道發生疑惑. 所以彼得在此再一次堅固他們的信心, 使他們知道使徒對他們所曾傳講有關主再來的事, 絕非使徒憑個人意思推測出來的道理, 乃是直接從神得到的啟示, 也是彼得親身經歷, 親自聽見的, 在此特別題醒信徒, 這位要來的耶穌基督, 乃是神所親自印證是祂愛子的那一位, 使他們深信主再來之真確.

請不要忘記對基督徒來說, 生命中最重要的事就是跟上帝有好的關係. 這是我們所有優先次序中的第一位.

第二件我們需要的提醒是, 不要忘記神在我們身上的作為. 彼得用了他的兩個親身經歷 來提醒我們.

第三件基督徒不能忘記的是, 我們要記得每天讀聖經領受的真理.


Selena said...


Alvin said...

Thanks Emily for giving us the summary. There are 2 things that I took home from the BS last Sat. One is the undeniable fact that we are also first hand witness of Jesus Christ like Peter. Peter lived with Jesus for a period of time and He even saw the transfiguration of Jesus. He knew what He saw and believed was true and he had that passion and urgency to tell others the Truth. Today we do not have a chance to see or touch Jesus physically but we have all experienced personally. We know it is true, but do we have the same passion and seriousness of Peter towards it? The seocnd thing is Peter knew he would not be on earth for too much longer and there would be a better future after leaving this world. However, he didn't just sit there and wait for the "eternal vacation". Instead, he was fervently working out what God entrusted him. That's an attitude we can all learn from.

Sammy Cafe said...

Very good summary!