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週會表 Current Schedule

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

迎月Home Fellowship @ Lawrence家 09/15/07

New study material to be used in the fellowship

We want to beef up the fellowship programs with more Biblical material and we’ve been looking for the right package. With God’s timely provision, we’ve found a DVD curriculum "Faith Lessons on the Promised Land" with study guides. That is the first volume of the “Faith Lessons” series, and there are other volumes with different themes. Filmed on location in Israel and Turkey, Faith Lessons is an in-depth video tour of the buried, distant, or otherwise forgotten places where the stories of the Bible actually happened. From this cultural perspective, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan challenges long-held Western assumptions about even the most well-known Scripture passages. The first Faith Lessons volume focuses on God putting his mark on a people and their land, a mark he has extended through ancient Israel to the faithful of today. Each episode comes with Bible scriptures and discussion section. We are looking forward to learn together with this curriculum. Expected start date is mid November.

 Tel Gezer - Standing at the Crossroads
 Jordan River - Wet Feet
 Tel Jericho - First Fruits
 Tel Beth Shemesh - Confronting Evil
 Tel Azekah - Iron of Culture

Link for more detail:

Video samples:

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Messages from the 2007 retreat

Message 1: Status of a channel 管道的身份

  1. Be humble (2Cor 4:7)
  2. Be clean (2 Tim 2:20)
  3. Be a catalyst (Phil 1:21, Gal 2:20)
  4. Be submissive to be shaped or molded
  5. Be available (Isa 6:8)

We, as the worthless clay pot, was carrying dirt in the past. We are now cleaned by God to carry something precious from Him. Still, this clay pot will be forgotten like the catalyst after the chemical reaction. The potter designs the pot and shapes it for his purpose. He will also test it continuously.

Message 2: Be a channel of... 作一個......的管道

  1. Truth/God's message (2 Cor 4:2)
  2. Gospel (2 Cor. 4:3)
  3. Life of Jesus Christ (2 Cor 4:5,10 and 11)
  4. Light (2 Cor 4:6)
  5. Grace and Thanksgiving (2 Cor 4:15)
  6. Love (1 John 4:19-21)
  7. God's power (2 Cor 12:7-10)
  8. Comfort (2 Cor 1:4)

These are all blessings from God.

Message 3: Become a channel for God 成為神的流通管道

  1. God has already prepared a backpak filled with tools you need for the jounrey. (Exodus 35:35)
  2. God will work in us and help us. (Phil 2:13)
  3. Find and understand your spot in God's church. The "Sweet Spot" is where you will glory God the most. (1Cor 12:18)
  4. Come face to face with God. Our ultimate life purpose is to reflect God's glory. (2 Cor 3:16-18)

Fellowship Retreat 2007@Sugar Pine Cabin, Twain Harte, CA

Praise the Lord with a thankful heart for the past weekend. It was wonderful in many special ways. The teachings, the sharings, the good time, the tears and laughters, the food, the place, the whole experience...all are still vivid in our mind. Share your thoughts by adding comments to this post. We are all thrilled to witness how Aggie received the salvation. Pictures are being collected and soon will be available here. Also, the main points from the messages of "Be a channel of..." will be posted here soon. Stay tuned.